Friday, December 7, 2007

Things You May Not Know About Me

Ten Things You Want To Say To Ten People:
1. I know this has been an extremely difficult time for you. I love you and will always be here for you.
2. I hate you for what you’ve done to me emotionally, but I still like you enough to want to be with you. And I hate myself for still liking you.
3. I miss you terribly, and wish you’d come home soon.
4. I don’t understand why you could just drop me from your life like that. It still hurts.
5. I am so glad that you are in my life once again. My heart has had a gaping hole in it since you left.
6. A thousand words are nice, but actions are nicer. Please stop talking and start doing.
7. Thank you for your unconditional love and support. You will never know how much that means to me.
8. I may be blonde and have a large chest, but I am not a stupid bimbo. I am quite intelligent. Please treat me as such.
9. Get over yourself. You aren’t that special.
10. What you did to me has scarred me for life. I doubt I will ever be able to forgive you. If I never see you again, I would be ok with that.

Nine Things About Yourself:
1. The only reason I clean my house is I fear what Grissom and Willows would think if I was murdered and they came to investigate the crime scene.
2. I’m scared to death of roller coasters, heights, spiders and mice.
3. I don’t know how to swim. I flunked swim class when I was 8.
4. I don’t remember much of my childhood before age 11.
5. I really wish I could be courted in the old-fashioned sense of the word.
6. I feel like a bad-ass chick when I’m in my cowgirl gear (Wranglers, boots, etc.)
7. I love designer labels, and would rather have one really good designer piece than a closet full of knock-offs.
8. I would take a bullet for my kids.
9. I want to take ballroom dance lessons so I can dance like on Dancing with the Stars.

Eight Ways To Win My Heart:
1. Write me letters, like they did in the old days
2. Talk to me/Be honest with me
3. Make me feel safe enough to cry in front of you, and hold me when I do
4. Don’t lead me on or jerk my chain
5. Be man enough to date only me (and call it a date)
6. Leave me notes, a flower, or text me during the day to let me know you are thinking of me.
7. Surprise me. Leave me a flower/note taped to my front door so I get it when I get home from a long day at work.
8. Hold my hand

Seven Things That Cross Your Mind a Lot:
1. The kids
2. Stupid boys
3. Ireland
4. Friends
5. Love
6. Music lyrics that are stuck in my head
7. God

Six Things You Wish You Never Did:
1. I don’t know if I really have any major regrets. Everything that I’ve done, good or bad, has shaped me into the person I am today.

Five Turn Offs:
1. Smoking
2. Indecisiveness
3. Being too judgmental
4. Physical weakness (I need to feel safe and secure)
5. Being too focused on physical aspects of a relationship

Four Turn Ons:
1. Patience/Understanding
2. Expressive eyes/Knowing smile
3. Guys that wear sweaters over button down shirts and jeans (I like preppy dressers if they aren’t cowboys)
4. Cowboys

Three Smiley's That Describe Your Life:
1. :(
2. :)
3. ;)

Two Things You Want To Do Before You Die:
1. Fall in Love
2. Live in Ireland (for longer than a week)

One Confession:
1. I desperately want to love and be loved, but am paralyzed by fear of rejection, hurt and loss.

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