Friday, February 22, 2008

survey time

1. Who makes you smile the most? The kids

2. What were you doing at 8:00 this morning? Trying to hurry and get ready for work because I woke up late, while watching the news

3. What were you doing 30 minutes ago? putting Janie to bed

4. What did you do last night? Watched Survivor (go Ozzy!), talked online to someone, watched it snow

5. What are you hearing right now? is really quite

6. One word to explain why you last threw up? Sick Wednesday, ate something bad the night before

7. Are you mad at anyone right now? Kinda sorta...more hurt and disappointed

8. Who gives the best advice? Amanda Kurmann

9. What are you wearing? Ralph Lauren sweater, RL jeans

10. What are you craving right now? chips and salsa

11. Reason you last cried? um....a boy did something that hurt me.....

12. Who was your last text from? Ashley Harris

13. What do you not want to happen? The inevitable future that I will die alone, only to be found 3 week later, half eaten by wild dogs. (extra friendship points if you know the reference)

14. Are you punctual? Usually try to be. I hate being late.

15. Last time you laughed at something stupid? just a bit ago...watching Dora and Doodlebops with Janie..they are so ridiculous

16. Last thing you drank? Earl Grey tea

17. Last person you talked too? adult - Jeanette & - Janie and Cecilia

18. Worst thing about winter? The cold. I would love the snow if it was warm.

19. What are you doing this weekend? Oscar party Sunday! Going out with someone Saturday night.

20. Current mood? depressed/melancholy

21. Do you talk a lot? sometimes, depends on who I'm with

22. How do you relax? watch TV or go to a movie. Escapism at its best.

23. Can you use chopsticks? pretty well, thanks to a summer with Eric G. while we were interning at the paper in college. After every story we covered....Chinese food.....nothing like learning how to use chopsticks from an Armenian kid.

24. Do you know anyone named Kelsey? yes

25. Do you like coffee? yes....but for some reason, the Starbucks on Monroe makes me sick. Starbucks in St. Louis is ok. Weird, huh?

26. How many times have you been pulled over by the police? a couple

27. How much cash do you have right now in your wallet? only like $5...I don't usually carry cash.

28. Number of pillows? I sleep with 3, including one that I have had since I was 8 and has fallen apart and been re-cased numerous times.

29. Worst enemy? plead the 5th...probably shouldn't list them here.

30. Are you a jealous person? Sometimes.....I can be.

31.Does anyone hate you? I'm a Baptist hussy.......;)

32. What time did you wake up this morning? 4:30...6:30...7:00....

33. Do you like a man in uniform? Only Navy guys named Joe.....;)

35. Where did you go today? Work, store, Jeanette's.

36. What would you do with $50,000? pay off a Mini-Cooper....go to Ireland again

37. Any plans for tomorrow? cleaning house. going out with someone tom. night.

38. What do you smell like? Burberry Brit.

39. Would you kiss the last person you kissed? absolutely... I believe it was Clayton

40. Ever been to California? nope

41. Ever asked for a pony? always...and still asking for one!

42. What does your second text in your inbox say? Sweet! (from Harris)

43. Are you good at keeping secrets? usually.....

44. What does your last outgoing text say? That sucks

45. Are you a heavy sleeper? very...I have slept through fire alarms (sorry Kristin!), fires, tornado sirens, you name it. When I'm atomic bomb could go off I wouldn't wake up.

46. How do you feel about Valentine's Day? see previous post on V-Day

47. Do you like Chinese food? Love the Panda Express!!!

48. Do you prefer salty, sweet, or spicy foods? Salty.....I know, you're shocked.

49. Who was the last person to call you? my sister

50. Favorite song(s) : right now....Taylor Swift's Just Another Picture to Burn, Gary Allan's Airplanes, and How Does He Know from the movie Enchanted

51. Ever done something you are not proud of? sure, who hasn't?

52. Ever stole someone else's boyfriend/girlfriend? nope....

53. Traveling anywhere soon? Hopefully to Chicago for the St. Patrick's Day Parade!!

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