This year, I gave up potatoes. It's a hard thing. I am Irish and English, it turns out. More Irish, though, like 90%. In case you couldn't tell by my pale white skin, blonde hair and numerous freckles. I know, it's a shock. Just believe me on this one. I'm really Irish.
Giving up potatoes is KILLING ME!!!!!!!!!!!! There are some days when I just eat a big bowl of mashed potatoes with stuff added to it for lunch or supper. That's how much I like potatoes.
My one reprieve is that I put the stipulation in that I can eat potatoes on St. Patrick's Day. It would be impossible to eat Irish food on that day and not have something made from potatoes involved. Two weeks to go until my day of reprieve....................
But on to the exciting news..........
This summer...I'm going to the UK!!!!
First off, we're going to Ireland. Our first stop will be the Cliffs of Moher (below). Aren't they amazing?

After five fun filled days in the land of my ancestry (and the land that gave us Guiness), we're off to Scotland. While in Scotland, I plan on buying a piece of land, so I can become an official Lady. And yes, I will be making everyone call me Lady if you want to go ahead and start now so you can get used to it, feel free.
From there....on to England. First stop.....Pemberley. From Pride and Prejudice, the six-hour mini series...not the crappy movie that came out last year. Trust me, it sucks wind compared to the BBC version.
This is Lyme Park, which they used for Pemberley. And, yes, I do plan on stealing a bottle of water from the lake out in front, where the famous Mr. Darcy-coming-out-of-the-lake-looking-all-wet-and-sexy-scene took place.

Speaking of Mr. Darcy...I also plan on stalking Colin Firth while there.......

And Joe Cole. A tour of Stamford Bridge (Chelsea's football stadium) is on the first day of London's itnerary. The tour includes the locker room, so even if I don't see him, I can still try to leave him a note in his locker. I know, it's all very junior high, but what's the alternative?

Four and a half months until we leave. I don't know if I can wait that long!!!! The wait is going to kill me if the loss of potatoes don't first!
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