It's amazing to me how much kids grow up in such a short time. And I am always amazed that I get to be around some of them long enough to see that change.
Nathan has started to develop concern, empathy and the desire to think about others. He's only three years old, but his level of sympathy and empathy is astounding to me already.
This past week, I have babysat for him twice (it's the holiday season, babysitting increases by leaps and bounds). Wednesday, when Todd called to say that they were on their way home, he mentioned that Julie wasn't feeling 100% well. I told Nathan that we should go upstairs and get his pajamas on, since Mommy wasn't feeling good and it would be very helpful if he was already in his pjs when she got home. He agreed, but then began to go even futher with it, asking me if we had the stuff to make a pie (like we always do for Julie's birthday), because "that might make Mommy feel better".
Scott has been sick all week....chest infection, fluid behind his ears (a precursor to an ear infection), cough, etc. His pediatrician put him on Zithromax Wednesday, which has pretty much knocked him on his butt. While he was laying on me Wednesday night, Nathan kept coming over to him, rubbing his back, bringing him toys and books, etc.
Last night was the greatest example of this. Todd and Julie had a family holiday thing down around St. Louis, and wouldn't be home by bedtime. So, Nathan wanted to call them before he went to sleep to say goodnight.
As I am watching him talk to his mom, he keeps telling her to "make sure that they drive carefully, because Tom and Leanne's house is very far away." And that she needs to wear her seatbelt, etc. He sounded like the worried father of a 16-year-old girl who just got her license. It was so flippin' cute!!
In the past, when out shopping for a birthday, Christmas or other gift-giving occasion, he hasn't always gotten the concept that you have to pick out what you think the other person would want. For Todd's birthday last year, for example, he picked out a dump truck with lights and sounds. This year, however, he is so excited to go shopping for presents for Mommy and Daddy and Scott, and he already knows what he wants to get them. They are presents that they would actually like! Not dump trucks or tractors! He's getting so grown up......
Nathan talking on the phone with his mom....
Scott checking out my shoes..the soles are coming off at the toe, so he thinks it is really funny to pull them apart.
Scott being pathetically cute.
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